Open and Save CoverSetup Project-files...
The "Chosen One's"-lists - or "Print-out-lists" which some likes to call them - can be saved in a small project-file, which can be opened again at any given time. If one wish to run a dias-show on a certain group of covers for instance, this facility makes it easy to select a certain group of pre-difined covers and run them in dias-mode The project-files can be opened and saved from the toolbox or the menubar, but the function-keys F6 (for Open) and F7 (for Save), can be called directly from the MainForm. REMARK: In the project-file informations about the covers' location are saved (path). If the path is altered the project-files will be in-correct, yielding an inconsitency when using the project-information in CoverSetup. CoverSetup does NOT check the correctness of the image-information when the projects are opened. When encountering a path-error when printing or dias-show'ing the project, CoverSetup will simply "Crash". |